The video is all about the 21st century learners and how the media are changing the way young people learn, play, socialize and participate in civic life.
1. What comes first into your mind after watching the video?
- After watching the video, I learned that the use of digital media engages students in using 21st century skills and provide a variety of creative, digital-age reflection opportunities. As one of the speaker in the video said, no kid is born digitally native, kids are born consuming it. Those kids who are great user of digital media have support system that inspire them and help them develop those skills. So, I can say that environmental factors is very important to mold the digital learners. Teachers and schools play an important role by giving wide access to technology, so the learners can acquire the set of skills and adapt certain characteristics of 21st century learners.
2. What comes first into your mind when you hear the word technology collaborative tools in digital world?
The first thought that comes into my mind is the engagement of everyone in digital world through the use of technology. Learners as well as teachers have to collaborate using these tools to achieve the learning goals.
3. What do you think are the collaborative tools use in teaching?
These collaborative tools includes:
- Skype/Zoom/Google Meet
- Blogging
- Wiki
- Google Group or Google Form
- Web conferencing
- Realtime Board
4. What collaborative tools do you think you can utilize to the fullest? why?
I think, the tool that I can utilize to the fullest is the Google form, because it is the tool that are mostly used by my professors.
5. Why is it important to study this collaborative tools?
It is so important as it help open doors of communication between everyone involved and promote productivity.
6. How will these collaborative tools improve the teaching and learning process?
- It improves the teaching and learning process because it serves as a platform that enable the teachers and the learners to collaborate and share ideas and insights that greatly adds up the knowledge of both parties. Using collaborative tools can be helpful in monitoring the student's progress and giving feedback for improvements.
7. Learners now a days learn through collaboration with the use of technology. As a pre-service teacher, what actions will you take as you prepare yourself to handle this type of students?
As a pre-service teacher, I need to be competent and excellent in the use of technology as well. I have to use different techniques and strategies to improve my ability as it also affects to my student's learning the way I teach them.
8. How will you handle your lessons in order that you will make learners become more engaged and effectively take accountability of their learning?
- To be able to make my students more engaged and effective in their learning, I should make my lessons more interesting, creative and catchy by giving activities that enable them to relate the topic and connect it from their own experiences. I think it would make them more motivated to learn.
9. What can you say about google form as one of collaborative tools?
- Google forms is one way to share your ideas and have a collaborative discussion. It is useful in taking quiz and exams etc. So I can say, it is helpful for students to gain knowledge.
10. What is the difference of blog and vlogs? How will blog help the students?
- A blog is pure text based, it can feature text, images and other methods of content including GIF’s and documents such as PDF’s. On the other hand vlogging contains video content instead of textual content.
Blogging help the students to develop and improve writing skills which will stick with them forever, their thinking muscles will be in continuous development, and they will also develop a better understanding of the world that surrounds them.
Multiple choice:
1. D
2. B
3. C
4. A
5. C